Koromiko newsletter 2005 and some of 2006....        Home   


The last 15 months have been a busy time for Andy on the publishing front. Aside from the usual several articles for the New Zealand paragliding magazine 'Airborn', Andy has had several photos published.

A small picture of leaf colour in Southern Rata bushes in the Auckland Islands was published in a book 'Pohutukawa & Rata - New Zealand's Iron Hearted Trees' by Philip Simpson. This is a beautiful coffee table size book, and a great read for anyone interested in New Zealand plants.

Two pictures taken of Department of Conservation scientist Colin Miskelly, handling snipe on Enderby Island, are due to be published in 'New Zealand Geographic' magazine, in an article about Colin's work with endangered birds.

Andy also won first prize in the 'Alpine Nature' category of the national Alpine Club photo competition, with a picture of a liverwort taken in the Auckland Islands. He also came second in the 'Humour' category and third in the 'Alpine General' category. The first two of these photos were published on a poster in 'Climber' magazine.

The Department of Conservation are using two of Andy's photos of albatross (taken in the Auckland Islands) for their visitor information leaflets.

Forest and Bird (New Zealand's biggest conservation charity) have bought (yes, money!!) four of Andy's Auckland Island photos to illustrate an article on the sub-antarctic islands in their glossy magazine (at press at the time of writing). This is the first time Andy has been paid for photographs, and helps offset the cost of the new Canon EOS 350D that made the photographs possible.


Mum sniffs her newborn pup
for the first time